Deputies of the 9th Saeima

The Deputies of the 9th Saeima are the 100 deputies or members of the parliament of Latvia, the Saeima. 99 of the one elected to 9th Saeima began their term on 7 November 2006, and ended their term on 2 November 2010. However in total including deputies with mandates and others, the 9th Saeima had 116 working members.

Members of the 9th Saeima

The list has 116 people, all in alphabetical order of the deputies of the Saeima. Names in italics did not attend a full term of the Saeima.

Deputy Party Term Notes
Valērijs Agešins Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Vitālijs Aizbalts Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. -
Uldis Augulis Union of Greens and Farmers 16.11.2006. - 20.12.2007.
Dzintars Ābiķis People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Solvita Āboltiņa New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Māris Ārbergs People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Aija Barča People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Ainars Baštiks Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Silva Bendrāte New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Andris Bērziņš Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. -
Andris Bērziņš Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Gundars Bērziņš People's Party 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Guntis Blumbergs Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Juris Boldāns without fraction 16.11.2006. - 28.10.2008.
Vilnis-Edvīns Bresis Union of Greens and Farmers 16.11.2006. -
Uldis Briedis People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Augusts Brigmanis Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Valērijs Buhvalovs For Human Rights in United Latvia 07.11.2006. -
Vladimirs Buzajevs For Human Rights in United Latvia 07.11.2006. -
Boriss Cilevičs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Ingrīda Circene New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Ilma Čepāne New Era Party; outside fraction; PS 07.11.2006. -
Juris Dalbiņš People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Gundars Daudze Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. - President
Helēna Demakova People's Party 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Oļegs Deņisovs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Juris Dobelis For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK 07.11.2006. -
Sergejs Dolgopolovs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Ina Druviete New Era Party; outside fraction; PS 07.11.2006. -
Jānis Dukšinskis Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. -
Jānis Eglītis People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Indulis Emsis Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. - 21.09.2007. Vice President
Guntis Jānis Eniņš Union of Greens and Farmers 16.11.2006. - 12.02.2009.
Inta Feldmane Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 16.11.2006. -
Sergejs Fjodorovs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Ivars Godmanis Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Aleksandrs Golubovs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. - 19.05.2010 died in office
Uldis-Ivars Grava New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Māris Grīnblats For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK 07.11.2006. -
Valts Ģīlis People's Party 23.11.2006. -
Pēteris Hanka Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Dzintars Jaundžeikars Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 16.11.2006. -
Nikolajs Kabanovs For Human Rights in United Latvia; outside fraction; SC 07.11.2006. -
Sandra Kalniete New Era Party; outside fraction; PS 07.11.2006. -
Imants Kalniņš For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK 07.11.2006. -
Aigars Kalvītis People's Party 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Artis Kampars New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Arturs Krišjānis Kariņš New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Oskars Kastēns Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006., 15.01.2009.-
Andis Kāposts Union of Greens and Farmers 16.11.2006. -
Jānis Klaužs People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Andrejs Klementjevs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. - sekretāra biedrs
Ivans Klementjevs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006.
Māris Krastiņš People's Party 16.11.2006. - 01.11.2007.
Vents Armands Krauklis People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Māris Kučinskis People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Sarmīte Ķikuste New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Gunārs Laicāns For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK; outside fraction; PS 07.11.2006. -
Jānis Lagzdiņš People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Ainars Latkovskis New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Visvaldis Lācis Union of Greens and Farmers; outside fraction 07.11.2006. - 20.10.2007., 20.10.2007. —
Kārlis Leiškalns People's Party 16.11.2006. -
Ingmārs Līdaka Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Leons Līdums People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Anatolijs Mackevičs Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. -
Sergejs Mirskis Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Miroslavs Mitrofanovs For Human Rights in United Latvia 07.11.2006. -
Vineta Muižniece People's Party 07.11.2006. - priekšsēdētāja vietniece
Linda Mūrniece New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Vitālijs Orlovs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Leopolds Ozoliņš Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Artis Pabriks People's Party; outside fraction 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006., 01.11.2007.—
Vaira Paegle People's Party 16.11.2006. -
Raimonds Pauls People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Karina Pētersone Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. - priekšsēdētāja vietniece
Jakovs Pliners For Human Rights in United Latvia 07.11.2006. -
Jānis Porietis People's Party 16.11.2006. -
Pauls Putniņš Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Dzintars Rasnačs For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK 07.11.2006. - sekretārs
Jānis Reirs New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Einars Repše New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Ivans Ribakovs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Baiba Rivža Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Inguna Rībena New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Mārtiņš Roze Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006., 12.02.2009.-
Ziedonis Rubezis People's Party 16.11.2006. - 25.10.2007.
Artūrs Rubiks Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Anta Rugāte People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Mareks Segliņš People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Anna Seile For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK; outside fraction; PS 07.11.2006. -
Ligita Silaraupa Union of Greens and Farmers 16.11.2006. - 15.11.2007.
Atis Slakteris People's Party 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Juris Sokolovskis For Human Rights in United Latvia 07.11.2006. -
Oskars Spurdziņš People's Party 07.11.2006. - 23.11.2006.
Dagnija Staķe Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006., 15.11.2007. -
Vjačeslavs Stepaņenko Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 16.11.2006. -
Jānis Strazdiņš Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Kārlis Šadurskis New Era Party; outside fraction; PS 07.11.2006. -
Viktors Ščerbatihs Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Staņislavs Šķesters Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Inese Šlesere Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Ainārs Šlesers Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006., 05.03.2009. -
Jānis Šmits Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 16.11.2006. - 15.01.2009.
Aigars Štokenbergs People's Party; outside fraction 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.; 25.10.2007. —
Pēteris Tabūns For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK 07.11.2006. -
Dainis Turlais Latvia's First Party/Latvian Way 16.11.2006. - 05.03.2009.
Jānis Tutins Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Gunārs Upenieks Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. -
Jānis Urbanovičs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Nils Ušakovs Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Imants Valers People's Party 07.11.2006. -
Raimonds Vējonis Union of Greens and Farmers 07.11.2006. - 16.11.2006.
Aleksejs Vidavskis Harmony Centre 07.11.2006. -
Dzintars Zaķis New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Ausma Ziedone-Kantāne New Era Party 07.11.2006. -
Ērika Zommere People's Party 16.11.2006. -

External links